Ye Antiente Order of Corks

Most Worthy Marion Humphreys,
Grand Bung of the Americas

Most Worthy Donald McAndrews,
Grand Bung of the Americas (Emeritus)

Ye Antient Order of Noble Corks also known as The Cork, is an informal degree allied to Freemasonry. It is described as "fun". Distinctly nautical in form, its membership is open to Master Masons in good standing who are either a companion in the Holy Royal Arch or a Warden, Master or Past Master of a craft Lodge. The Cork or Corks is derived from the organization's emblem of a cork with a corkscrew inserted at an angle. Membership is not onerous—the only costs on top of membership being dining fees, drinks, etc. The idea and aim being to raise money for children's charities, and with Corkies having fun in so doing.

Origins and Degree of The Cork
The origins of the degree are unknown, the ritual is satirical and based around the era of Noah and the great flood.

Candidates can be proposed and initiated on the same night. Compared with Masonic meetings, dress is informal - as meetings tend to be boisterous affairs, in good spirits.

The Cork tradition is stronger in Scotland than elsewhere and there the Cork Lodges come under the supervision of Royal Arch Masonry. In the US, it forms an informal part of the Allied Masonic Degrees.